The kitchen, without a doubt, is the most important room in our homes, but sadly, it is also one of the favorite haunts of insects. Insects such as cockroaches, rodents, and flying insects like fruit flies and pantry bugs can squeeze their way in, contaminate food, and drop bacteria. During the holidays, with their abundance of cooked food and leftovers, it is crucial to recall that pests also search for a warm home with food – and that home can be your household. Here’s how to keep them out of your pantry using these easy methods and help from Green Pest Services.

Basic Tips to Prevent Pests

  • Throw Out Any Infested Food: If the food is open or has signs of bugs infesting it, it should be thrown away. Bugs are known to be easily spread through the transfer or contamination of food products. Also, always dispose of your waste by throwing it in the nearest garbage bin.
  • Clean Out the Pantry: Moist and clean all your shelves, including using a vacuum cleaner. Then, it is recommended to wash the shelves with water mixed with soap and then rinse them with equal parts of vinegar and boiled water. This helps clear any food that might attract pests.
  • Store Food in Airtight Containers: Rodents can grow on paper or cardboard, which could be sugar, flour, or pasta packaging materials. As soon as you get them home, transfer these articles to appropriate airtight containers. Ensure any fluid spills are wiped off to prevent bug congregation.
  • Deep Clean Regularly: Occasional cleaning of the rooms also ensures that bugs do not invade the house. Here’s how:
  • Prepare a Cleaning Solution: Prepare a spray bottle and fill it with one part vinegar and one part water.
  • Empty Everything from the Shelves: This typically entails taking everything out to make room for thorough cleaning.
  • Spray and Wipe the Shelves: Spray the vinegar solution onto the shelves and wipe them with a clean cloth. You can also install liners on the shelves to prevent the foods from shifting around and ease the cleaning process later.
  • Organize the Pantry: Clean and store all the foods in well-organized, airtight packs or jars to ensure that they do not spoil easily. If items are the type that can be placed in separate columns, then try arranging them vertically for a faster view.

Keep Bugs Out of Your Pantry

Use Airtight Containers

Bugs love paper and cardboard. Move food like cereal, flour, and sugar into airtight containers right after buying.

  • Cereal: Use tall plastic containers with tight lids.
  • Flour and Sugar: Use clear glass containers. Label them with what’s inside and the expiration date.

Ditch Cardboard Boxes

Bugs chew through cardboard, so don’t leave snacks in boxes. Take chips, cookies, and other items out and store them in open bins or baskets.

Buy Less Food at Once

Buying in bulk means food sits around too long, which attracts bugs. Buy smaller amounts to keep food fresh and safe.

Check Expiration Dates

Old food attracts bugs. When you clean your pantry, look at expiration dates and toss anything expired.

Use Natural Bug Repellents

  • Essential Oils: Mix 1 cup of water with 25-30 drops of tea tree, citronella, or peppermint oil. Spray it around the pantry to keep bugs away.
  • Cinnamon: Bugs hate cinnamon. Place a small bowl of ground cinnamon or cinnamon sticks on shelves.
  • Bay Leaves: Put a bay leaf in each flour, sugar, or dry goods container. Scatter some around the pantry to repel bugs naturally.


A bug-free pantry is simple. Keep food in airtight containers, buy less, check dates, and use natural repellents. Regular care keeps your pantry clean and bug-free.

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