At a Glance:
- Replanting trees after tree removal helps homeowners to enjoy the various amazing benefits of trees.
- Some fastest-growing trees are suitable for Australian climates.
Removing trees becomes a mandatory precaution when you have dead or diseased trees in your garden. Such trees pose a danger to your home, family, neighbours, and surroundings, and removing them saves you a lot of trouble. If you have recently removed trees from your property, you can replant new trees instead. Let’s look at why replanting trees after tree removal is the best thing to do and some fast-growing trees you can plant in your garden to uphold the appeal of your property and home.
Why is it important to replant new trees after tree removal?
Preserve the benefits that trees provide
Trees provide various amazing benefits. From environmental to psychological and health benefits, having trees in your garden is a blessing. The first thing we all should have trees on our property (if possible) is they are the source of oxygen. They provide us with the fresh air we need to breathe. Trees also help mitigate problems like climate change by reducing the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
Secondly, having trees nearby lets you enjoy a cooler environment. A densely populated urban settlement with abundant concrete and asphalt feels hotter than rural areas filled with greenery. Trees evaporate cooling, so you can live in a more comfortable environment with trees growing around. Research has shown that trees help to reduce temperature by around 2°C in urban settlements. Isn’t that great?
Thirdly, trees have a very positive effect on our psyche. Exposure to greenery helps to reduce stress and anxiety. This is like getting therapy for stress relief without visiting a therapist. If you have ever noticed, your kids love to be around trees or hug them; it makes them feel happy and playful. So, just to be a caring and loving parent, growing trees in the gardens seem to be a good idea.
Lastly, in urban cities, noise pollution is one of the major health hazards. Regular exposure to excessive noise can result in headaches, blood pressure, and fatigue. Trees absorb sound energy to some extent, making your place feel less noisy. Overall, planting trees after tree removal helps to ensure you continue to receive these amazing environmental and psychological benefits of trees.
We do not like to be exposed to our neighbours or strollers all the time, and there is nothing harmful in avoiding extra attention. A sense of privacy is always a respectful thing to ask for, especially for your children. Trees are our best buddies to filter those unwanted views and maintain a level of privacy.
Who does not love to be under a green tree full of foliage? One of the amazing benefits of having trees on the property is you can sit under its shade (especially in summer months), which gives a sense of relaxation. Also, trees and shade provide closer outdoor spaces for the family. Such spaces are best for relaxation and recreation activities with the family.
Have you ever looked at your property right after removing trees? It feels boring and empty. Replanting trees after tree removal improves the visual impulse of your property. Trees enhance the visual beauty of your property through their foliage, flowers, fruits, and canopy. They improve the quality of life by improving the visual environment.
Quick-Growing Tree Replacements for Removed Trees
Dwarf Flowering Gum (Corymbia ficifolia) – This native Australian tree is famous for its vibrant flowers. It is a fast-growing species that can grow up to 60 centimetres per year in suitable growing conditions. They grow up to 8 to 12 meters and boost a great aesthetic value of your property.
Tahitian Lime (Citrus x latifolia) – Tahitian Lime (also known as Citrus x latifolia) is a fast-growing tree suitable for warmer climates. It is idle for subtropical regions of Australia, where the climate is mostly warmer. This evergreen medium-sized citrus tree is one of the fastest-growing citrus tree species and can grow vigorously in suitable conditions.
Lilly Pilly (Syzygium smithii) – Lilly Pilly is a common choice for homeowners in Australia. It grows up to 5 meters and ranges in height from large trees to small shrubs. Having dense, colourful foliage, this is a perfect choice for privacy in urban areas. They have a good growth rate and can grow up to 50 to 60 centimetres in a year. They also bear edible berries.
Wattle (Acacias) – Wattle is one of the fastest-growing medium-sized shade trees. They are suitable for restoring vegetation to barren lands and quickly grow up to 2 meters in a year. At maturity, they reach up to 8 meters. There are various species of Acacia found in shrubs to medium-sized trees bearing attractive flowers in shades of yellow, white, or cream. They are suitable for different Australian climates.
White Plumeria (Plumeria alba) – White plumeria is the fastest-growing tree in the Plumeria family. It can reach up to 90 centimetres in a year and grow up to 6 meters at maturity. It bears white flowers with yellow centres, making it attractive. White plumeria grows in coastal climates. They grow well in Sydney, Queensland, and the northern coast to Perth.
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